Verifies all the person codes in a string based variable list and returns an error code when a person code is not registered or is closed. |
Salesmen |
List of person codes (eg. "PERSON1,PERSON2,PERSON3") |
ErrorReference |
Person code that was found errondeous. |
external function Integer VerifySalesmen(string,var string);
updating function LongInt IVVcRecordCheck(record IVVc IVp,record IVVc IV2p,LongInt stat,LongInt long4)
LongInt res;
row IVVc IVrw;
row IVVc IV2rw;
record IVVc locIVr;
record CUVc CUr;
record AccVc Accr;
record TRVc TRr;
record CreditLimitBlock CreditLimitRec;
record SRBlock SRRec;
record AccBlock ARAccb;
record MainStockBlock MSb;
record IVOfficialSerBlock IOSTr;
record MainCLBlock MainCLRec;
record ORVc ORr;
Boolean testf,test2f,FiscalPrf,nousersernr;
Boolean transf,gentrans,check,unokf,controlaccf;
Boolean lightFlag;
Integer errcode,j,cnt;
Integer i,rwcnt,cashres,creditedinvtype;
Integer insertmode,updatemode;
LongInt oldnr,newnr,sernr;
val bal,limit,prev,quant,prevsn;
val prepaysum,t;
string 255 tstr,location,errstr,oldOfficialSerNr;
Integer ProgramType;
LongInt dummyl;
record TRVc gTRp;
record SMVc gSMp;
LongInt clin,l;
Integer curcomp;
val cash;
record CreditCardVc CreditCardr;
LongInt serstart,serend;
record LegalInvNrBlock LINrb;
row LegalInvNrBlock LINrbrw;
record PDVc PDr;
record ModuleBlock Ob;
record ARVc ARr;
Boolean norminv,credinv,cashinv;
transaction string 255 gRuniningMaint;
record LoyaltyCardVc LoyaltyCardr;
Date td;
// -- //
if (nonblank(IVp.SalesMan)) then begin
errcode = VerifySalesmen(IVp.SalesMan,tstr);
if (errcode!=0) then begin
RecordCheckError(errcode,": " & tstr,-1,"SalesMan");
res = -1;
goto L99;
// -- //