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procedure EditFieldTL (
integer h_pos,integer v_pos,integer width,string text,integer datatype,
integer mode,integer no_char,list field_name,boolean right,list paste_special)
Puts an edit field in a window with additional format properties
h_pos horisontal position
v_pos vertical position
width width
text text in front of the field
datatype M4 datatype of the field
mode Normal, ViewOnly or St_i
no_char number of characters in the field
field_name the name of the database field
right right justification if true otherwise left justification
paste_special the name of the paste special window
  WindowBegin("Specify Item Group List",ITListRClass,CGRcW,RcType);
  vs = 20; h = 100; v = 6;
  EditFieldTL(h,v+=vs ,150,"Item Group", M4UStr,Normal,21,f1,false,ITSClass);
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